Okay - could this packaging be any uglier? This is the most depressing Spring packaging EVER. Boo!!!
They have an egg shape! Creative! Not the world's most festive wrapper - how about a chick or a bunny? But at least not so suicidal. Look at the egg pops:
That blue thing is raspberry (NOT my fav), pink (cherry) was good. I don't know why these are colored so differently than the regular Tootsie Pops. I mean, it's not like these are some crazy spring colors. But I like the idea and it is a different candy for the season. I also think these have a better Tootsie to Pop ratio than the regular pops. But it's possible that's my imagination. I honestly don't care enough to really try and figure that out. It hurts my brain to think about actually (weights, ratios, ugh).
When I was a kid we used to get malted milk eggs (robin eggs) in our Easter baskets. I remember my little brother getting all pastel coloring all over his mouth. Or maybe he would just chew one up and get me to look at his as he opened his mouth. Little brothers are experts in gross. But I don't think they make these like they used to. Here's what I could find:
Of course, after those Tootsie Roll wrappers, these are a Godsend.
NECCO rejoins the candy party with PAAS splashed malted milk eggs in ice cream flavors:
Okay - let's just slow down here. PAAS makes Easter egg dye, right? I mean, the name is synonymous with Easter, but.....on candy? And do we really need ice cream flavors? And when the hell did orange become an ice cream flavor? Aren't we talking sherbet here? What the hell is going on?
Look at that purple and orange monstrosity! GLAACK! YUCK! Too orange, too ugly. Strawberry tastes like the crunch berries in Captain Crunch coated with some waxy strawberry stuff. Vanilla is okay as is chocolate, but there's no malt here. All taste like some kind of bad cereal. These have the feel of a candy made in a third world country. But on a good note, they do have both a rabbit and a duck on the package.
Look at this confectionery artistry from Germany for Williams-Sonoma:
From the horrifying to the sublime, Easter candy offers something for everyone. It's all there for you to enjoy! (And on Monday it will be half price!)
And remember in the great Easter Egg hunt of life:
1.) Sometimes what you're looking for is right under your nose.
2.) The early bird gets the most eggs.
3.) The real winner is the one who had the most fun.
4.) You are grown up when you have more fun helping the other kids find the eggs.
5.) If the Easter bunny doesn't make you smile, you need to loosen up.
6.) The only things you'll find in the hunt that you can take with you are your memories. Fill your days with good ones.
So wear the biggest Easter bonnet you can find, share your candy, and stop and smell the flowers. Life is sweet and all too short - savor every second.
Thank you for such a great perspective (again)! BTW, somewhere in DC is a 4H group also enjoying your words of wisdom ;)
Yay! That's great (and so exciting)to hear!!! Diane - I hope you have a great Easter!!!
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