Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Brink of Summer

I know, I know - three months since a post! What the heck kind of crappy blogger am I?

I assure you, I have been eating my share of chocolate, I just haven't been writing about it.  But I have been talking about it - I've been giving loads of "Motivation by Chocolate" speeches!

I scored three bags of Godiva's almond butter Easter eggs on sale for half price and have almost polished them off. The great gals at my local Lindt store were happy to see me cart off a pound of their amaretto, almond and pistachio eggs as well as the BOGO pound of raspberry cheesecake truffles. I left the store with over three pounds of chocolate. Madness, I know. But it's so exciting!!!

On my recent trip to Vegas I dropped a cool $100 at the Jean Philippe Patisserie in the Bellagio. And I am on a Tootsie Roll bender as we speak. So my tastes range from the sublime to the mundane. Here's the patisserie - and yes, the lady in the dress is made of chocolate:

Here's me and my huge grin at my birthday dessert at Stack in the Mirage:

Better pic of the dessert:

Love the restaurant name in white chocolate - shouldn't all of us have white chocolate calling cards?

And here's me at one of my favorite places in all the world - the Bellagio:

So I am indeed guilty of not writing, but I am out there indulging in chocolate and savoring life! What about you? Here we are at the brink of another summer. What adventures - culinary or otherwise - will you have? Are you going to live your life or is life going to live you?

Don't let any chance to have chocolate or ice cream pass you by.  Life is short.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Tom and I get to go to Vegas in July, my mom had free flight vouchers. I'm so excited! We haven't been since July 2005 (although that time I swore I'd never go back in July, LOL). That's our big plans for the summer! You look great! :)

  3. You are going to have a blast!!! And you won't believe how much it's changed! You have to go see Mac King's comedy magic show if you haven't seen him - she's hilarious!!!! (And thanks for the sweet comment!) : )
